Career Readiness

Introducing Work-Based Learning to K12 Students

Work-based learning (WBL) is a way to introduce students to careers and prepare them for the future workplace. More and more, career-readiness initiatives are being delivered in the K-12 and Community College settings, to ensure that students who choose not to go on to obtain a four-year degree are still being adequately prepared for their […]

The Role K12 Plays in Career Readiness

K12 schools have always played a role in career readiness. Thirty years ago, primary teachers inspired young students to think and dream about what they wanted to be when they grew up. Nothing has changed, except that K12 schools now have more practical ways of delivering career readiness to students and preparing them for the […]

Offering Industry-Recognized Credentials (IRC) for K-12 Students

The future of work is changing rapidly, and K-12 schools can offer their students the opportunity to be fully prepared to step into high-paying, skilled jobs straight out of high school by offering industry-recognized credentials through high school CTE programs. According to recent research published in the Journal of Career and Technical Education, “the number […]

Career Readiness with Coursera

The number of skilled technical jobs that need to be filled are rising quickly, and there are simply not enough well-trained people in the labor pool to fill the open positions. It is incumbent upon schools to prepare students by providing career readiness skills so that graduates enter the job market with the skills needed […]

Cybersecurity Training for School Staff Can Reduce Security Risk

The number of cyberattacks against schools continues to rise. Just recently, the personal data of 820,000 students was compromised in New York City. Demographics about students, including their names and addresses, were accessed by the hacker. This is only the latest in a long line of attacks on schools, and cybercriminals show no signs of […]

How CTE Programs Help Students Prepare for the Real World

Career and Technical Education (CTE) is helping high school students graduate with better preparation for the future of work. As companies demand more technically proficient employees in every area of their businesses, learning those skills through a CTE program makes students more competitive in the workforce. Why Are CTE Programs So Beneficial? CTE programs move […]

Prepare High School Students for the Future Workplace with Coursera

In addition to a widening skills gap, there is already a shortage specifically in the technology sector – and that shortage is continuing to grow at an alarming pace. In order to address this growing concern, GG4L has partnered with Coursera to bring courses to K-12 schools for the first time. Coursera’s online courses can […]

Bridging the Skills Gap Starts in High School or Sooner

According to the World Economic Forum’s Closing the Skills Gap 2020 report, “42% of the skills demand for jobs across all industries will change between 2018 and 2022.” The rapidly transforming skillset that will be in demand within the next few years must be addressed now – and one way to do that is by […]

GG4L - The Global Grid 4 Learning

School Passport is a data exchange platform that exchanges any data with any EdTech product, eliminates the need to share student PII and is easy to implement for schools and vendors.


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