Offering Industry-Recognized Credentials (IRC) for K-12 Students

Offering Industry-Recognized Credentials (IRC) for K-12 Students

The future of work is changing rapidly, and K-12 schools can offer their students the opportunity to be fully prepared to step into high-paying, skilled jobs straight out of high school by offering industry-recognized credentials through high school CTE programs.

According to recent research published in the Journal of Career and Technical Education, “the number of students who earn industry-recognized credentials is being considered as a measure of student success and program quality” by states as they develop accountability measures for tech education. The study revealed that students who had access to comprehensive CTE programs “tended to have a solid career plan.”

Benefits of K-12 CTE

Some K-12 students are not interested in going to college right away. Others simply want a job that will help them pay for college without the burden of student loans. In either case, obtaining industry-recognized credentials while still in high school provides students with a marketable skillset. Preparing students for the future of work is one of the biggest benefits of high school CTE programs that provide students with opportunities to earn industry-recognized credentials.  Not only do the students learn skills that make them more desirable in the workplace, but they also gain in-depth understanding in how the credentialing process works, increase their engagement in their own education, and become empowered to customize their education with a more comprehensive view of their own future.

Why IRC Is Essential

The workplace has changed significantly in the last decade, and the push for technologically proficient employees continues to grow. The demand for skilled workers outpaces the available labor, and this impacts the country’s ability to be internationally competitive.

CTE with GG4L-Coursera

GG4L has partnered with Coursera to make a wide variety of industry-recognized certifications available in the K-12 setting to prepare students for in-demand IT positions. The GG4L – Coursera program prepares students to gain entry level positions in IT. The program supports CTE departments by:

  • Offering industry recognized credentials
  • Range of credential skill levels and courses appropriate for entry level students
  • Providing a range of certificates in many in-demand IT fields in a one-stop shop

Career Readiness

As a Public Benefit Corporation, GG4L is committed to achieving certain initiatives designed to improve education and economic stability. Our Career Readiness initiative promotes learning environments for students in STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Math) and business education. Coursera’s mission aligns with the initiative to better prepare students for the future.

GG4L - The Global Grid 4 Learning

School Passport is a data exchange platform that exchanges any data with any EdTech product, eliminates the need to share student PII and is easy to implement for schools and vendors.


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