School Passport: Connect
Seamless Rostering
Simplify IT Complexity with Rostering
Automate Data Integration | Govern Data Exchange | Transform Learning

One-time Integration
Integrate your SIS and/or LMS with School Passport one
time then, have one click rostering with thousands
of EdTech applications.

Faster Deployment
Discover the best EdTech tools and start using them right away. Data governance made easy gives access only to those who need it.

Safer Data Exchange
One data privacy agreement, and the
latest in data protection using PII Shield.
Keep your students safe.
Fast, Safe, and Easy Deployments
Finally, an end to sharing unnecessary personal identifiable information with dozens of applications
IT Admins
Save time and properly manage the roster data flow to each EdTech application. All in one place.
School Leaders
Full control of all school resources. Grant or deny access to new applications with data analytics to validate usage.