K-12 Resources

Schools Can Improve Student Data Privacy

Student data privacy is one of the top concerns of school administrators. Achieving better protection with School Passport can improve efficiency, support your educators more effectively, and make compliance a snap. Choosing the Right EdTech Vendors One of the ways schools can ensure that they are protecting personal identifiable data (PII) is by carefully vetting […]

Increasing the Value of College with Coursera

What happens to students who enter college more prepared for the workforce? How does it impact their success to already have some college credit or college prep learning done by the time they attend? As it turns out, we can answer questions about how CTE programs like Coursera are increasing the value of college, thanks […]

Protecting Student Data as an Educator

Educators are using technology in the classroom more than ever, and that puts them on the front line of protecting student data. Student data privacy is more than just a nice thing to do; both by federal and state mandate, it is the law. So what can educators do to make sure they are taking […]

Introducing Work-Based Learning to K12 Students

Work-based learning (WBL) is a way to introduce students to careers and prepare them for the future workplace. More and more, career-readiness initiatives are being delivered in the K-12 and Community College settings, to ensure that students who choose not to go on to obtain a four-year degree are still being adequately prepared for their […]

Improve District Operational Efficiency with Secure Technology

Twenty-five years ago, schools were in the early phases of implementing technology to help simplify operations and improve district operational efficiency. At that time, email was in its infancy, home computers were just becoming more commonplace, and Wi-Fi was just being introduced to the world. Most of us could not fathom where we would be […]

The Role K12 Plays in Career Readiness

K12 schools have always played a role in career readiness. Thirty years ago, primary teachers inspired young students to think and dream about what they wanted to be when they grew up. Nothing has changed, except that K12 schools now have more practical ways of delivering career readiness to students and preparing them for the […]

The Deadline Is Approaching for Using ESSER and GEER Funding

Schools must use some specific ESSER and GEER funds by September 30, 2022, to avoid using the funds. These funds provide districts with an opportunity to use grant money to invest in a safer learning environment for their students.   What Are ESSER and GEER Funds?   Elementary and Secondary Schools Emergency Relief Fund (ESSER) […]

How to Measure Students’ Enthusiasm for EdTech Products

As a school district, you can purchase all the edtech solutions in the world but justifying the expenditure can be difficult to do. How do you know if students are using the edtech products you buy? How do you know if it’s having the intended outcome? One of the best ways to measure the efficacy […]

Offering Industry-Recognized Credentials (IRC) for K-12 Students

The future of work is changing rapidly, and K-12 schools can offer their students the opportunity to be fully prepared to step into high-paying, skilled jobs straight out of high school by offering industry-recognized credentials through high school CTE programs. According to recent research published in the Journal of Career and Technical Education, “the number […]

How Communication APIs Can Enhance Your EdTech Platform

Student and parent engagement are key priorities for every school and educator. Edtech vendors are often seeking ways to enhance their products with communication tools. These tools make it easier for teachers to provide customized communications. It makes the solution more effective and thereby more attractive to the schools who consider them for their curriculum. […]

Back to School Tips from GG4L

The calendars flip to August and suddenly, there is a flurry of activity at every school. While students might be squeezing in their last lazy days of summer, teachers, counselors, school administrators, and IT leaders are busy preparing for students to return. In some areas in the south, that’s as soon as the first week […]

Cyber Criminals Leverage PII to Target Schools

Districts around the country are being targeted by sophisticated cybercrime operations that are using personally identifiable information (PII) to target schools. Threats coming from Russia and from within our own country have compromised schools and districts throughout the U.S. The Threat Landscape Has Grown Since the Pandemic Districts were already well under way in digitizing […]

GG4L - The Global Grid 4 Learning

School Passport is a data exchange platform that exchanges any data with any EdTech product, eliminates the need to share student PII and is easy to implement for schools and vendors.


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