What happens to students who enter college more prepared for the workforce? How does it impact their success to already have some college credit or college prep learning done by the time they attend? As it turns out, we can answer questions about how CTE programs like Coursera are increasing the value of college, thanks to the Fordham Institute.
How Are CTE Programs Increasing the Value of College?
According to a study sponsored by the Fordham Institute in the state of Arkansas determined that,
In other words, not only are CTE programs increasing the value of college, but they are also increasing the likelihood of graduation and gainful employment. Since the cost of college is often a barrier, being able to work a better-paying job straight out of high school can help make college more accessible to those who would otherwise not be able to afford to go.
If CTE Is So Beneficial, Why Aren’t More K-12 Schools Adopting It?
There are two barriers to adoption for K12 schools: one barrier is thinking that CTE is anything like the old vo-tech programs. Today’s modern CTE programs offer structured and comprehensive curriculums that help prepare students for the modern challenges in today’s workplace and the future workplace. The second barrier is that schools believe CTE programs are cost prohibitive. But the Fordham study dispelled that, pointing out,
“And the good news is that CTE does not have to be super expensive and highly exclusive to have positive effects. The form of CTE we studied in Arkansas is CTE at its most egalitarian and scalable: most students took courses at their comprehensive high school, and some did so at regional technical centers. And it worked.”
The ROI of CTE Programs in K12
Investing in CTE programs like Coursera in K12 pays off for everyone – students, parents, districts, businesses, and the communities in which they live and work. They more fully prepare students who want to enter the workforce straight out of high school. But these programs also provide a streamlined pathway for students who want to attend community college or go on to get a four-year degree. In other words, the ROI on an investment in a CTE program through GG4L like Coursera can only improve outcomes for a district.
If you’re interested in learning more, let’s schedule time to talk.