Webinar: Student Data Privacy in K-12: Who Can You Trust?

Join us for an unfiltered discussion on student data privacy in K-12 education. Our expert panel aims to answer the crucial question: “Who can you trust when it comes to handling student data?” Here are some topics we’ll cover:

  • The impact of edtech’s rapid growth on data privacy and the industry challenges that have emerged
  • How school districts can effectively provision learning apps accessing Personally Identifiable Information (PII)
  • Which aspects of privacy management consume the most time in districts
  • Strategies for more efficient purchasing decisions and Data Privacy Agreements (DPAs)
  • Educating school officials and staff about data privacy risks

We’ll also look at opportunities for districts and edtech vendors to collaborate on a unified approach toward data anonymization.

webinar panel

The uptake of digital applications and platforms in education, especially in K-12, has led to a lot of complexity in the institutional, school district, or statewide ecosystem. We’re seeing a dramatic rise in the movement of data pertaining to students between applications. Some data is being collected by the applications themselves, but there is also a lot of data moving around because we have interoperability standards, such as OneRoster and LTI (Learning Tools Interoperability) which have become quite popular. So it’s very, very important to understand how to use those standards correctly so that that data is protected.”

Rob Abel, CEO, 1EdTech

Who is this for?

  • EdTech company leadership, product managers, IT leaders
  • School/District IT leaders

What is it all about?

Our recent webinar, “Who can you trust when it comes to handling student data?” digs deep into the conversation on data privacy and the industry challenges that have emerged, including how school districts can effectively provision learning apps accessing Personally Identifiable Information (PII) and opportunities for districts and edtech vendors to collaborate on a unified approach toward data anonymization. If you’re concerned about data privacy and how student data is managed, view the webinar today.

Why You Need School Passport?

Exchanges any data with any edtech application

We go beyond basic rostering to handle complex data exchanges to resolve any data challenge.

Eliminates the risk of accessing school PII

School Passport anonymizes PII and provides tokenized API services to eliminate the risk of accessing school PII.

Offers an easy-to-implement API framework.

Our readily available API connectors make it easy to scale integrations without the need for vendors to change their platform.

30,000 Schools and hundreds of edtech companies

School Passport has successfully integrated with over 30,000 schools, 500 Higher Ed institutions, and hundreds of edtech partners.

Automated Privacy Compliance

School Passport lowers your data privacy costs by reducing time to review DPAs, and decreasing insurance premiums by limiting exposure to school PII.

Streamline Data Governance

Easily onboarding customers, unlocking revenue opportunities and reducing overhead costs.

GG4L - The Global Grid 4 Learning

School Passport is a data exchange platform that exchanges any data with any EdTech product, eliminates the need to share student PII and is easy to implement for schools and vendors.


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