The Benefit of Early Warning Service for Education Cybersecurity

The Benefit of Early Warning Service for Education Cybersecurity

Cyberattacks against schools are a growing threat to data security. Students are not the only target; staff and education leaders are also being compromised by these attacks. The only way to thwart cybercriminals is to take a more proactive stance in detecting threats early.


Partnering with the Best

Because data security is the top priority for GG4L, we’ve turned to the leading experts in early detection, Arctic Security, to help enhance our defenses. Arctic Security’s platform, EWS is tried and tested, making millions of observations from around the n every single day. Their early warning service, Arctic EWS, translates these observations and aligns the observation to your schools individual IP addresses with detailed information so you can take quick action.   This service provides actionable intelligence for organizations of all sizes.


4 Benefits of EWS

“Effective early warning allows security teams to focus their limited resources—including time!—on the concerns of greatest risk to the school. Actionable and reliable early warning moves real issues to the top of the list for handling. A trusted source for effective early warning information is a security team’s best friend.” – Artic Security

  1. Rapid Response – The sooner a school knows it’s under attack, the faster it can respond.
  2. Continued Operations – When notice of a threat is detected in advance, the school can ensure measures are in place to prevent an attack, minimizing or even removing disruption to students.
  3. Ability to Prioritize – There is data coming in from all sides to school IT teams. Knowing what to prioritize can be difficult, but the Early Warning Service will isolate the top priorities and make IT efforts more precise and efficient.
  4. Reporting – As a subscriber to this service you receive updated progress reports to share with the Board, management and maybe your cyber insurance provider at renewal time to provide proof from an outside third party you are secure.

How Artic Security EWS Benefits GG4L Members

All of GG4L’s member districts have access to a free trial of Arctic EWS which is Arctic Security’s complete external monitoring service. Implementing EWS is nearly instant. There is nothing to install. GG4L members simply provide a few data points to Arctic Security, and they will begin monitoring the school’s network. Notifications of any threats or potential threats will start once the trial begins.


For more information about how to keep school districts safe, we recommend reviewing our guide on ways schools can improve student data privacy.


To sign up for your free trial, visit

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