School districts are ultimately responsible for supporting students throughout their education, including preparing them for what comes after graduation. In the recesses of the district offices, it’s a very busy time of year. District administrators are evaluating their existing goals and achievements, and they’re already thinking about ad planning next year’s goals and budget. How can they best serve their schools, students, and community? How can they provide the tools and resources their students need to be prepared for the future workforce?
Goal: Support Family Involvement in Career Readiness Goals
Throughout the middle school and high school years, school counselors work with students not only to achieve curriculum goals but also to help nurture them into post-secondary goals. Most schools facilitate this by providing information and opportunities for college, assisting families with students who will be the first in their families to attend college, and helping students apply for scholarships. Many schools are now recognizing the importance of building into their goals additional career readiness options and information on career pathways, especially for students who don’t want to go directly to college or who want to work their way through college without taking loans.
Goal: Increase Awareness of Post-High School Options
Not every student wants or can afford to go to college directly out of high school. Many districts are focusing their efforts on increasing student awareness of the many options that exist after high school, including expanding community partnerships and internships that allow students to gain experience so that they can obtain a higher-paying job after they graduate. They are also offering more opportunities for students to gain experience before graduation that leads to certificate-level education and better job opportunities after high school.
Goal: Foster Student Development as Global Citizens
School districts recognize the role they play in preparing students not just for college and the workforce but to take their place in the community at large. From providing opportunities for students to volunteer in the community to requiring community service as a part of their graduation requirements, districts are doing their part to ensure that they help foster career readiness through multiple avenues. Often, these volunteer requirements help build stronger community partnerships and can enhance opportunities for internships.
The Path to Career Readiness Starts with GG4L
GG4L, a public benefit corporation, has launched an initiative to support districts in their efforts to improve career readiness among their students. From work-based learning programs to CTE programs that lead to better graduation rates and students who are better prepared for the future of work, we provide a deep and committed partnership to districts around the country to help them meet their goals. Learn more about our initiative by visiting https://gg4l.com/career-readiness/.
Request more information about how GG4L supports schools or schedule time to talk by vising https://gg4l.com/learnmore/.