SchoolDay Wellbeing, a subsidiary of GG4L, is a Helsinki-based edtech company whose efforts to improve social and emotional learning in schools have been recognized worldwide. In order to provide effective insights to the schools that use SchoolDay, they deliver highly customized reports to the teachers, administrators, and districts in which trends regarding the social and emotional health of the students can be measured, analyzed, and monitored.
The Importance of Social Emotional Learning in Schools
Social emotional learning (SEL) offers a number of evidence-based benefits for students, teachers, and schools, including:
Enhanced Academic Performance
Social emotional learning empowers students to enhance their self-regulation abilities, thereby fostering motivation and resilience, which directly contributes to improved academic achievements.
Positive Social and Emotional Development
SEL aids students in cultivating empathy and self-awareness, enabling them to develop better coping mechanisms and establish healthy relationships. These skills empower students to navigate unexpected challenges more proficiently.
Effective Behavior Management
By enhancing a student’s emotional regulation and communication skills, SEL contributes to a reduction in behavioral issues such as bullying, aggression, and substance abuse.
Mental Health Benefits
SEL yields positive mental health outcomes for students by promoting overall well-being, reducing instances of anxiety and depression, and equipping students with valuable stress-management tools.
Preparation for Workplace Success (Career Readiness)
SEL serves as the foundation for developing the sought-after soft skills essential for success in the workplace. Students who receive social emotional learning opportunities in school demonstrate improved conflict resolution and collaboration abilities.
How School Passport Helps SchoolDay Wellbeing Protect PII
Unlike traditional rostering services, which are inherently risky, School Passport empowers EdTech apps without the need to share student data. By eliminating the need to consume student PII, vendors like SchoolDay Wellbeing are able to reduce their risk of operation, lower their costs, and continue to deliver a quality end-user experience. School Passport provides a robust, open-standards-based API framework of anonymized services which makes it easy for vendors to adopt.
SchoolDay Wellbeing was the first data analytics platform to use School Passport’s anonymization technology to ensure it can provide insights to educators without accessing school personal identifiable information (PII). By leveraging School Passport’s anonymization technology, SchoolDay Wellbeing can continue its focus on improving student well-being. Get SchoolDay Wellbeing now.