CASE STUDY – School Passport Data Exchange
Teirra Encantada Charter School is located in Santa Fe, New Mexico and serves grades 7-12. We spoke with Chris Beaumet, Technology Coordinator for the school, about the impact of implementing and using GG4L’s School Passport.
The Challenge
Tierra Encantada Charter School had the need for safe and secure data exchange from our student information system to cloud-based district platforms. Beaumet discovered GG4L in his search for the best solution. “School Passport was the foundation of what has become a long-term relationship with the company,” explained Beaumet. “I worked rigorously with systems developers to integrate rostering automation and onboarded multiple GG4L products.”
The Solution
After piloting a few platforms, Tierra Encantada chose School Passport to replace their existing SSO because it was education centered, customizable, secure, user friendly and considerably less expensive than competitive vendors. “GG4L really hit the nail on the head with delivering systems that cater to the needs of data driven instruction.” The school employed automated rostering, secure and encrypted student data sharing, and single sign on into district resources.
The school district first deployed School Passport to manage rostering and cross application sharing of student information and automate what was once a very cumbersome manual process. This formed the foundation for a highly scalable platform that they were able to build on and integrate additional resources such as Single Sign-On and Engagement Analytics.
The Results
“The School Passport platform has already proven to be incredibly beneficial for both our administrative staff and teachers to support our students, provide differentiated instruction based on individual student performance and provide necessary interventions. I fully endorse the value of Global Grid for Learning’s products, their professionalism and enthusiasm towards student engagement and growth and I look forward to continuing doing business with the company.” – Chris Beaumet
School Passport was a sustainable solution that met and exceeded the district’s needs. Tierra Encantada Charter Schools have saved time and money by switching to School Passport. They have benefitted from the value in the customization that the platform provides to meet a school’s needs and the product support team, which Beaumet describes as “incredibly professional and responsive.”
Secure data exchange and privacy are paramount when working with shared student information and maintaining HIPA compliance, so there is an urgent priority to control application access to shared student data. School Passport gave the school the tools they needed to ensure student data privacy while also giving them the ability to review key individual student performance metrics to aide in delivering differentiated instruction as well as provide a user-friendly platform to access district edtech curriculum.
“It’s the best solution that I have found for automated rostering, and I think the highlight of the product is that application single sign-on only scratches the surface of what the platform can do. Being able to connect with applications is something that I can’t live without. Managing users and rostering is one of the more tedious tasks as a systems administrator. School Passport provides the solution for roster automation and migrates data directly from our SIS, so it simplifies our onboarding process and assists with access control tremendously.”
Learn more about GG4L’s School Passport.