SIRS Knowledge Source is a database portal which is comprised of several distinct reference databases including SIRS Issues Researcher, SIRS Government Reporter , and SIRS Renaissance . It provides relevant, credible information on social issues, science, history, government, and the arts and humanities.
SIRS Knowledge Source acts as both an integrated search portal to all of these SIRS® products and as a standalone resource, providing schools with compelling, multidisciplinary learning assets for enhancing student achievement. We pride ourselves on selecting only the best and most relevant resources. Every article, primary source document, Website, chart, map, diagram, illustration, and graphic has been carefully selected by editors to ensure its relevancy, credibility, curricular applicability, and appropriateness to students. Titles include American History, Atlantic Monthly, The Christian Science Monitor, The Economist, Global Viewpoint, New York Times, Newsweek, and Smithsonian.
Simple search methods make it easy to find relevant information. Subject, keyword, and natural language queries are available, and students can sort their results by relevance, date, Lexile measure, and by source type. Users can save and share data using tagged lists to view, print, or email text and graphics in one easy step.
Additional features and tools help support student research by keeping students focused on engaging topics:
Trending Leading Issues
Daily updating
Article Text to Speech
Language Translation
Citation Generator
Integration with Google Drive and Google Classroom
Responsive design, optimized for viewing on mobile devices
Curriculum Guides
Note Organizers
Educators’ Resources