Mindprint Learning is a leader in offering objective non-academic assessment, results, and follow-up in an affordable and widely accessible format, helping parents and educators better meet the needs of students.
Mindprint provides insight into how each student learns best so educators can deliver instruction teach in the format that is easiest for that student to understand and retain. With our one hour, cloud-based self-administered assessment, Mindprint can accurately measure a student’s core learning skills in the domains of executive functions, complex reasoning, memory, and processing. These skills are the foundation for learning across academic subjects, developing good study habits, and social-emotional well-being. Student results are delivered through unique learner profiles and personalized learning plans, which guide teachers as to why students are struggling in specific academic topics and provide the most appropriate strategies to help each student learn more easily and efficiently. Mindprint also has the predictive capabilities to identify which students might struggle so teachers can put the appropriate supports in place and see the gains of early intervention and remediation. Career success in many fields is highly correlated with specific cognitive skills. The potential to identify and cultivate students’ strengths earlier can have a direct positive impact on lifetime career achievement.