What is Learnics?
Learnics Insight Link is a free Google Chrome Extension that allows students to capture and submit a record of their online learning experience as part of an assignment, making the process as important as the final product.
This record of online activity allows teachers to hold students accountable, identify students in need of support and improve the design of their lessons. With Learnics tools, teachers can answer these basic questions about the online learning experiences that they are creating.
1. How long is it taking for students to complete the work?
2. Are the students accessing the prescribed websites, podcasts, and videos?
3. Do students know how to complete independent online research and if so, what resources are they using?
4. How are students finding and using new content online?
5. How can I hold students accountable for their virtual presence during online learning?
The goal of Learnics is to support, improve, and transform student online learning experiences. Whether the instruction is virtual, hybrid, flipped, or blended, the Learnics Insight Link (Learnicsᴵᴸ) provides teachers with feedback to support the online learning process.