AI World School is an online self-learning platform providing transformational AI and Coding education to students at home, to homeschoolers and in K12 schools.
We believe that with the knowledge of how AI works and its impact, children have the potential to create innovative solutions to real world problems transforming our societies and shaping the future of our planet.
The well researched AI curriculum is aligned to the five big ideas of AI as proposed by CSTA & AAAI task force.
The 3 flagship and 9 micro courses enable playful AI explorations and are designed to be student centred.
Students ages 7-18 will bring their projects to life with easy-to-use age appropriate coding tools such as S4AIWS Scratch AI extension, Sn4AIWS Snap! AI extension, Phiro Code mobile app, MIT App Inventor, Python and JavaScript.
The hands-on real-time coding experiences are intuitive, self-paced, self-directed with a variety of STEM challenges and project-based learning approaches.
The learning outcomes of the curriculum are expected to accelerate individual performance and drive both college and career success.
Inspire your students to discover the elements of AI and flourish in an AI driven world.
For more info visit : www.aiworldschool.com