Actionaly is the 1st Family Relationship Management system.
It’s an integrated CRM for schools that automates and simplifies communications to save money for schools & districts and time for educators & parents, while delivering increasing engagement.
Our superpower is a unique messaging format called “Actionable Messaging”, that enables families to respond to any ‘need to do’ requests (informed consent, payments, volunteering, digital signatures, registrations etc…) in as few clicks as possible.
Combining that with a household database, system integrations, translation, reporting, dashboards, etc… Actionaly provides a holistic view of the parent community and its engagement.
Actionaly’s promise is to bring the full community together to drive successful outcomes for students, from their academic achievements, to their emotional and physical well-being in a safe and nurturing environment.
Thanks to our integration with GG4L, Actionaly can be deployed in districts in just a few clicks to benefit from their 1st Family Relationship Management system.