Coursera is brought to you by GG4L.
GG4L has partnered with Coursera, a leading online learning provider, to give high school students unique opportunities to gain leading industry credentials in high-demand technical skills, preparing them for entry-level jobs in IT. The program provides:
Industry Recognized Credentials to prepare students to compete for and succeed at the jobs needed in today’s economy. The credentials offered through the Coursera Academies are endorsed by major IT Vendors and top universities, providing strong employer acceptance.
Student ability to complete credentials. Coursera credentials range in four levels from conversant to advanced, with content that can be utilized across a variety of existing student capability, ideal for entry level work. Over a dozen ready-to-deploy pathways are ready to be integrated into existing course programs or offered for self-study.
One Stop Shop for Multiple Certificates (Skill Sets, Academies, and vendor programs), providing many options for students and simplify deployment for the district.
What is Coursera for Campus?
Coursera for Campus is a learning platform designed to prepare students for jobs of the future. Equip your students with skills for emerging career paths now. Coursera can make a measurable impact on your high school CTE program or your community college campus.
Coursera can help you by:
- Delivering stronger student job outcomes
- Building blended learning capabilities and curriculum
- Reducing overall course delivery cost
- Increasing student capacity with existing infrastructure
- Ensuring your faculty and staff have cutting-edge skills, and invest in ongoing education
Coursera offers world-class content and credentials from leading universities and companies.