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How Kansas City, Kansas Public Schools Used School Passport to Quickly Integrate Data

How Kansas City, Kansas Public Schools Used School Passport to Quickly Integrate Data

Case Study: School Passport Enterprise Edition

Kansas City, Kansas Public Schools, a 22,000 student school district based in Kansas City, Kansas, has partnered with GG4L since 2021 and recently launched School Passport Enterprise Edition. We spoke with Julie Leach, Instructional Technology Coach, to learn how GG4L’s School Passport improved the district’s data exchange and student data privacy.

GG4L: What Was the Challenge Your District Was Facing?

Julie: The school district needed a solution that would work with all vendors while prioritizing student data privacy. There were too many cooks in the kitchen.

GG4L: How Did GG4L’s School Passport Solve this Challenge?

Julie: Student data privacy is a high priority for Kansas City, Kansas Public Schools. GG4Ls PII focus on PII protections was a key reason the district partnered with GG4L.

We have previously worked with Clever, but GG4L provides a safe single point of entry for all applications for both students and staff. GG4L’s solution is simple and intuitive for users to access. Also, the support GG4L provides is a very personalized service. They are like a part of our team. We meet regularly and discuss our needs and priorities.

Knowing that GG4L is there for us provides us is a sense of security. We are a team. When I call, I consistently get a person I am familiar with and who understands our relationship. I really appreciate that. When we worked with Clever, it commonly took 24 to 48 hours for them to respond. Ideally, long term, we would like to use School Passport to engage and enable families.

As a Public Benefit Corporation, GG4L offers us other resources and opportunities. For example, the School Passport Admin courses in Coursera are a great resource we would like to take better advantage of.

GG4L: What Has Been the Result of Working with GG4L?

Julie: We had too many vendors accessing our SIS and too many third-party players. With School Passport, we have been able to consolidate all third-party relationships to just one. This saves us time and money while improving security.

Accelerate School Digital Transformation While Improving Safety, Privacy & Security

School Passport® is a data exchange platform that empowers EdTech apps without sharing school data. To learn more, visit

GG4L - The Global Grid 4 Learning

School Passport is a data exchange platform that exchanges any data with any EdTech product, eliminates the need to share student PII and is easy to implement for schools and vendors.


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